Imagine a world as rich as Tolkien's Middle-earth, a plot as multifaceted as Harry Potter, an adventure that rivals Eragon, and characters as memorable and endearing as the Wings of Fire dragons.
The Legend of Oescienne is an epic fantasy dragon adventure series beloved by readers of all ages!

* * * * * * * *
Praise for the Legend of Oescienne books ...
Most excellent beginning!
Creative writing with well-developed characterization. It is a must read for the Harry Potter fan base.
- Amazon Customer
* * * * *
5 Stars not enough!
A remarkable dragon story for YA and teens, if you enjoy the Eragon book series by Christopher Paolini, you love this series!!
- Nilas
* * * * *
This is a very good series for anyone who loves dragons and elves I couldn't stop reading till done and can't wait for the final book.
- Richard 62
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Wonderful Story
Very good book that even young readers can enjoy. You find yourself becoming a part of this book while going on crazy adventures, racing at breakneck speed up a steep cliff, hiding from dangerous things in the black forest and discovering ancient stories long forgotten that could be the key to many questions. Great book!
- npatton55
* * * * *
I love this whole series!!
I really cannot wait for the next book, I think I am going to reread the three that are out :) I definitely recommend this series, the remind me of an epic like Lord of the Rings, but the story is as accessible as Eragon :) I just love it.
- blacksoul1385
* * * * *

The prophesied child has finally been found, but can her dragon guardians keep her safe from an evil force intent on destroying their world?

When the dragon Jaax receives word that a human child has been found in the province of Oescienne, he doesn't dare believe it. Humans have been absent from the world of Ethöes for centuries, cursed by an evil tyrant to live out the remainder of their lives in dragon form.

Despite his doubts, however, Jaax wonders if this girl could be the long-awaited answer to an ancient prophecy, one that promises to put an end to the reign of the dreaded Crimson King once and for all.

Hidden away in the province of Oescienne, Jahrra grows up blissfully unaware of who - or what - she is. She's much too busy getting into mischief with her friends and outsmarting her vile classmates to worry about faraway tyrants or unanswered prophecies. Yet, the threat to Jahrra's world isn't as distant as she'd like to think, and her destiny may come calling long before she's ready - a destiny she alone was born to fulfill.


A young heroine in training, eager to prove her worth. A domineering dragon, determined to test her fortitude. And an ancient curse threatening the very existence of their world . . .

In the twelve years since coming to live in Oescienne, Jahrra has grown and learned about the magical world around her, facing personal dangers, challenges, and enemies of her own, despite having a dragon to watch over her.

Yet, as the months pass, her dragon guardians begin to grow anxious. There is evidence of an unknown evil in their midst - a threat they cannot see or hear, but one they can sense like a bad omen.

And it's only a matter of time before Jahrra becomes aware of the prophecy she is meant to fulfill, and what she must sacrifice in order to survive what lies ahead. Only one question remains: will she be ready to face the Crimson King when the time comes, or will the fate of Ethöes be forever sealed in darkness?


A headstrong girl, determined to stand on her own. An arrogant dragon, questioning her every motive. And the answer to an ancient prophecy centuries in the making . . .

For seventeen years, Jahrra has remained hidden from the sinister Crimson King, but that is all about to change. An inconceivable tragedy and the revelation of a secret kept from her since birth has turned her world on its end. Now, Jahrra must flee Oescienne, the only home she's ever known, and accept the help of the dragon Jaax, the one being she has grown to mistrust more than anyone else.

With her enemies at her heels and the terrifying truth looming before her, Jahrra and Jaax seek refuge in the faraway city of Lidien, a place protected by ancient magic.

But when their sanctuary proves to be as vulnerable to darkness as Oescienne, Jahrra and her dragon guardian realize their safety is compromised once again. This time, the danger lies within the walls meant to keep them safe, festering in the hearts of those they've grown to trust above all others.


A young human woman, intent on dethroning a tyrant. A loyal dragon companion, dedicated to her cause. And a heroic adventure that will challenge their unwavering courage . . .

Jahrra has been in hiding her entire life, but the time for secrecy has come to an end as the threat of war draws near. Before they can face the Crimson King, however, she and Jaax must seek the aid of the legendary ice dragons of the north.

With Lidien behind them, Jahrra and Jaax begin a perilous journey through the mountains, where both adversary and ally will follow. But their trust in others must be bartered carefully, for the Tyrant's influence stretches far and wide.

Even if they do reach Nimbronia, their troubles may not be over. If the king of the ice dragons cannot be convinced to join their cause, then their fate - and the fate of Ethöes - may very well be sealed in sorrow and defeat.


A young woman warrior, destined to save her world. A devoted dragon guardian, refusing to leave her side. And a final epic battle against the greatest evil Ethöes has ever known . . .

Ever since leaving Oescienne, Jahrra has known she would one day confront the dreaded Crimson King. She just didn't expect that day to arrive so soon.

As another safe haven fades in the distance, she and Jaax travel east to make ready for battle. But there are many devious players in this deadly game, and even if Jahrra succeeds in destroying their enemy, Jaax fears it will come at too high a cost.

As open war looms, both Jahrra and Jaax will be tested beyond their limits. Old friends and enemies will emerge, and secrets that have remained buried for centuries will finally be revealed. In the end, Jahrra must find the strength and courage to endure her greatest challenge yet, or risk losing all that she holds dear.



Jahrra and her friends are about to embark upon a very important mission: to steal the flag of their nemesis, Eydeth, in a city-wide game of Conquer the Castle.  Will they be able to outwit their other classmates in order to win the grand prize, or will the twins once again make Jahrra the laughing stock of the whole school?

The Mystic Archedenaeh has found reason to leave the comfort of her forest home in the province of Oescienne.  Before she can move on, however, she must first verify a rumor she has heard, but all she discovers is a treasured ring left behind as a bitter reminder of the truth.

The Tanaan dragon Jaax and his colleagues are called upon to save a small town from the wrath of one of the Crimson King's evil dragons.  In the process, Jaax receives a minor injury, a nagging reminder of his failure that soon becomes the symbol of another's triumph.


  1. I love your Otherworld Trilogy. I would love to read more about Enorah. Keep up the great work there are a lot of us out here waiting (not very patiently) for more on he Otherworld. In the mean time I will go read the series, again.

  2. Thank you! And don't worry, Enorah will have her own book . . . sometime in the future ;). I'll do my best to keep the Otherworld books coming and hopefully I'll have Cade's second POV novella out next.

  3. ugghh i need book for to the oescienne series like noowwwww

  4. impatiently waiting for book four lol

  5. Is there going to be a 4th book?

  6. Yes, there will be fourth (and a fifth) book. I plan on using my summer break to work on book four of the Oescienne series and hopefully some other works in progress.

  7. please do, i love your series and it seems i am right on the cliffhanger, it seems every one is better than the next!!

  8. I'm SO glad there will be more books in the Oescienne series! When I realised that book 3 ended before Jahrrah battled the Crimson King I started to panic, thinking I would be left hanging and never know what happened. I ca't WAIT to get book 4! :)

  9. Thank you Sherie! Yes, there will be (2) more books in the Oescienne series before I'm through, and now that I've finished the latest book for my Otherworld series, I'm trying to get back into Oescienne mode. It may take me some time to get into the rhythm of Jaax's and Jahrra's story again, but I am determined to get it finished as soon as I can ;).

    1. Could you give us an indication as to when we might hope for the fifth Oescienne book?

    2. Hello Alisha! I plan to actively work on the fifth book this year - hopefully starting in late winter. I'm currently busy with a few small projects that have actual deadlines set up by powers greater than myself, so I need to get those done first ;). Good news is one is already finished and just waiting for editing feedback and the first draft of the other one is halfway done. Once those are sent off to their final destinations, I hope to turn my focus on Oescienne Book Five. In a perfect world, I'd like to get it out to you before the end of 2017, but I make no promises. Sometimes the Muse has her own plans :). Thank you so much for your patience so far - your readership is always appreciated :D.

    3. I am a new writer in the field of fantasy.
      After book four of Oescienne, I'm uncertain whether to love you or if I dislike you.
      OK. I love you. THANK you for demonstrating that a classic work can be written without vulgarity. With clarity. With imagination. Capturing vividness of life. Arresting attention. Enveloping minds. And hearts.
      Take your time to complete book five to do it justice.
      I expect it no later than tomorrow night.

    4. Hey Derrell! I love your snark ;). Thank you for your support and don't worry - I'll take my time (but hopefully not too much time :)). Best of luck in your own writing endeavors!
      - Jenna

  10. I'm a big fan a fiction novels with dragon in them, and after reading your series the legend of oescienne. I have to say that it is one of my new favorites in regards fantasy/dragon books. :-)

  11. Almost forgot to add how I can't wait for book four.

  12. Thank you for the feedback and I'm so glad you've enjoyed the Oescienne books! Ah yes, book four . . . My Muse seems to think another Otherworld book is more important right now, but I'm going to try to get to that one soon ;). Until then, happy reading!

  13. Have you ever considered doing an other world book from the point of view from aiden? Like maybe with him being a few years older that is. Just curious.

  14. Oh don't worry - I have plans for his very own trilogy sometime in the future . . . ;)

  15. Do you have a favorite character amongst your legend of oescienne books and other world books. I have always wondered if the author can have fav character that's not the protagonist of the story.

  16. That's a good question. I can't say that I have absolute favorite characters, because every single one of them have a few qualities that draw me to them (hence, why they make an appearance in my stories to begin with ;)). I do, however, have some characters that surprise me. Aiden in the Otherworld Trilogy is one, Kehllor in the Oescienne series is another. Of course, some of the reasons why these characters stand out to me may not be too obvious yet, but since I know where they're headed, I get to cheat a little ;).

  17. Do you have any release dates for us to look forward to? I am waiting not so patiently for the next book in both the otherworld series and the legends of Oescienne....

  18. No release date for the next Oescienne book yet. I just released the ebook edition of Ghalien, a short novel told from Cade's point of view from the Otherworld series. I'm working on getting the paperback out soon.

  19. I read the Otherworld books and then I stumbled upon The Legends of Oescienne by chance on Amazon. I am at the very end of book 3 right now, but I absolutely love it. My daughter just started reading the Otherworld books and she is asking me what happens every 30 minutes, lol. Do you have any idea when Book 4 will be out? Or have you even started on it yet, lol.

  20. I. NEED. BOOK. 4! I am officially re-reading the series for a third time. They are so entertaining and hope the next book of the series will out sooooon!

  21. Thank you for the feedback! Although I'm not close to finishing book four, I HAVE some of it written . . . I'm currently trying to get my latest Otherworld book ready for publication (I'm on the final proofread before sending it off to the editor), and once that is up and running, I plan on diving into Oescienne book four (I was even playing around with title ideas the other day ;)). I'll do my best to keep you guys updated once I'm submerged in Jahrra's world once again ;).

  22. The Otherworld Series was absolutely amazing. I started reading and just couldn't put it down until I was completely finished with the series. So now, how does it get any better than that? I can tell you how! You give us the Oescienne Series.... That's how! Oh My! And now the wait begins.... So excited! Thank you Jenna for the wonderful reads!

  23. Thank you so much! And I'm so glad you've been enjoying both series :). As soon as I send off Lorehnin (Robyn's story from the Otherworld Series) to my editor (tonight or tomorrow), I plan on diving right into the fourth Oescienne book. Hoping my Muse sends me some good inspiration, because I know my Oescienne readers have been waiting patiently for the next book. Until then, happy reading!

  24. You can add me to the list of those wanting to read book 4.

  25. Started my fantasy reading career over 50 years ago with the Hobbit and always on the lookout for a great read... I found that in the Oescienne series! Can't wait for the next two books and like everyone else hope we don't have to wait too long. Thanks Jenna for many hours of reading pleasure!

  26. Hey guys - I will be working on the fourth Oescienne book this summer. I'd like to have it available by the Fall, but I make no promises ;). I'll do my best to have it ready by then.

  27. Hi Jenna,

    "The Legend Of Oescienne The Finding" is highlighted today on

  28. More of each. I eagerly await #4 in Oesienne and look forward to another in the Otherworld series. I'm ready to finally get all the players together for a good tale. :) Keep up the good writing you most definitedly have me hooked.

  29. Put me down as another one eagerly waiting for book 4!

  30. I'm working on it Linda! Just added some more words today, and I'm getting close to the end. New Year's resolution: more writing discipline! (I hope I can stick to it ;)).

  31. How's the fourth book coming. I just can't wait for it. I love this series.

  32. Hello! Book Four is coming along, slowly but surely. I do apologize for the delay - I never meant for this much time to pass between Book Three and Book Four and I understand that readers are waiting patiently (and I thank you so much for that patience!). I have three big book events coming up at the end of May and into the first weekend in June. From now until then, I want to work some more on The Ascending (I'm about 3/4 of the way done with the first draft). I'll also have a lot more free time starting in June so hopefully I'll be able to polish it up then. Thank you again for your continued readership and keep a lookout for my announcements regarding this book!

  33. Still patiently awaiting book 4, Jenna. I have kept up with the Otherworld series (geat, btw) but I've desperately missed the Oescience story.

    1. Hello cllowury! Good news - I'm FINALLY getting around to finishing Book Four. In fact, I'm about 4/5 of the way through the rough draft and I'm planning on releasing it in late winter/early spring 2016. I already have my cover artist working on the cover, and after I get through this first read through, I'm going to set it aside for a little while then read through it one more time. I'll be sure to keep you updated either here, on my Facebook page, or through my Author's Newsletter. Thanks for hanging in there! I truly appreciate it ;).

    2. Book 4 was great!!! I know we finishing reading them much higher faster than you are writing them, but I'm excited and anxious for the end of this story.

    3. Thank you cllowury and I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Yes, I must get moving on book 5 - I do hope to get that out to you all sooner than it took for book 4 ;).

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Hi there,

    I will add to the comman theme of this thread...How's Book 4 coming along???
    I just read 1, then HAD to get 2, then REALLY HAD to get 3...I will be adding reviews to Amazon on all 3 soon. I love them and the characters. You have done a wonerful job making each book more involved and better than the last!

    Lisa Cowens

  36. Hello Lisa! Thanks so much for the comment! Book Four is actually coming along quite well. I've sent several chapters to my editor and am going through the rest (as well as consulting my Beta Readers' feedback). I would love to have the book out before June, but we shall see how it goes. Thanks again and thanks for hanging in there - I know it's taken me forever with this next sequel ;).

  37. The Ascending was incredible! I have been so entranced by all of your writings but this series has had me hooked from the beginning. Are we going to have to wait as long for the next installment? Thank you for the amazing stories and characters you create.

  38. Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I was a bit nervous, since it had been soooooo long since the last book - wasn't sure how my readers would take it ;). I'm hoping to get the next one out in less time, but no publication date yet. Until then, happy reading!

  39. I'm an older reader of your books. I have enjoyed the otherworld series and I just finished reading all 4 of the Oescience series. I know it's only June 2016 but I do hope that in the near future sometime there will be a book 5 of the Oescience series. Also I was wondering if there will be another book about Robyn'so story?

    1. Howdy Julie! Alas! I had better get on it then ;). And yes, there will be another Robyn book - I've got so many future Otherworld books following different characters' story lines that it will be quite a job sorting it all out and getting it all written. But do know that I'm working on it (whether by actively writing or letting it churn in my brain ;)). Thanks again and happy reading!

  40. I have thoroughly enjoyed the oescienne series, thank you .I look forward to the release of book 5, whilst I patiently wait I'm going to delve into your other stories. Thanks again !!

    1. Thank you so much! I need to get working on book 5 soon, then ;). Hope you enjoy the Otherworld Series!

  41. Hurry up in the last book in the Oescienne series! I've read the other books twice already and I'm ready for the finale! Eagerly waiting.

  42. Hello Sharon! I'll get on it! Have had a busy few months, but I'm hoping things will start to slow down halfway through November ;).

  43. Hello, i discovered your books recently on facebook and after reading all the otherworld series and discovering a new favourite author, i went on to read the tales of oescienne. Honestly i couldn't put them down as i was pulled into the story so much, i went through all four within a week!
    But now i'm left with the most painstaking cliffhanger, the trouble with being a bookworm *sigh*. So many questions i'm dying to know the answers to!!
    I thoroughly and somewhat patiently (not patient at all!) look forward to your future works!

    1. Hello Tink! I'm so delighted you've enjoyed all the books so far (the best thing an author can hear from a reader ;)). And alas! I do understand the torture of waiting for a new book (and I was awful and left off the Oescienne series with a cliffhanger ...). I have so many projects I'm working on right now, but one of the books at the top of that list is the last novel in the Oescienne series. Will do my best to get it out to you as soon as I can! :D

  44. Jenna I am up at 2 am having just finished book 4 in the Oscienne series. Any idea when the finale Book 5 will be out yet? I have also read all 10 of the Otherworld books along with A Plague of Dragons. I am SO hooked on your books. Please wrap up Oscienne series ASAP, and I am hoping for a happy ending for Jahrra and Jaax, and that the Mystic's vision changes for our hero Jaax. How can I find out when Book 5 is released please?

    1. Eeep! Sorry to have kept you up so late with my characters' shenanigans! ;) So glad you have been enjoying all of my writing endeavors. We authors often finish up the stories and then let them loose in the wild, hoping for the best :D. I've got plans to go through a writing rampage this summer (I get a few months off from the day job), but I've got soooooo many book projects going on at the same time, it's tough to set any publication dates for anything. Book Five of the Oescienne series is definitely on that list, as well as a sequel trilogy to the original Otherworld Trilogy (told from Cade's POV ;)). Hopefully, I'll have some more updates in my next newsletter. At this point, it's a slow process because I'm adding a few thousand words at a time and they are spread out among those 4-7 projects. Makes it tough to get anything done :P. Be sure to keep bugging me, though! Might get my Muse to send me some new plot twists! <3

  45. Yes, the fifth oescienne book would be greatly appreciated. I just finished book four; now I'm going to re-read the otherworld Series before I read the ones I haven' read yet.

  46. Any news on a release date for book 5?

    1. Hello Sam! I've been picking away at the manuscript, but unfortunately, it's a little slow going :P. I have no set date for publication, but I've got it in the rotation with my other back burner projects ;).

  47. How come book 5 is on the back burner? It's an amazing series! Lots of people are waiting it seems! I know...time is precious....but I got a $5 Kindle gift card and started the series for a 2nd time I still can't have the last one yet! Please fish it...please! *begs with puppy dog eyes* lol! Very enjoyable!

  48. Eek! I'd better get on it! ;) I've got the next few weeks off from the day job, so hopefully I can make a dent in that time (after I get all my adult responsibilities out of the way - blah!). Thanks for the encouragement!!!!

  49. Hey Jenna, Just finished all 4 books of the Legends of Oescienne and have to say I am a bit tired as the last two nights I thought oh one more chapter and ended up reading till 3 am.. I am glad to hear that there will be a book 5 (I was afraid that it finished here) Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for all of them.. Cheers, Hester

    1. Great to hear from you, Hester! Ack! Sorry my characters and their shenanigans kept you up so late - how very rude of them! ;) Yes, one more book in the series! I've been working like crazy on it the past week or so, trying to get that first draft done as soon as I can. Keep a look out for it!

  50. I love your OESCIENNE series so much. I read all 4 in less than a week. Do you have an aproximate time table and names of additional books to be released in the future?

  51. Wow, Cynthia! That's some intense reading! ;) I'm currently working on Book Five in the series and am aiming to have it out by this summer (maybe sooner - fingers crossed!). I'll definitely be sharing the links here when it is live, as well as sending out a newsletter and sharing it on my Facebook page. Thanks again for your comment and until then, happy reading!

  52. Hi Jenna..really enjoyed the series..can't wait for book 5..any good news?

    1. Still no release date set in stone. As soon as I hear back from my beta readers and editors, I should have a better idea. I did hear back from one of them, and she had nothing but good things to say, so that's a plus! ;)

  53. Is the Oescienne series going to be released in normal paperback? I know it's on amazon but at almost $20 a book sounds like a bigger version? I have a friend that doesn't have a kindle and would love to get her this series!

  54. Hello, CowgirlUntamed! That is the standard price on Amazon - do you mean a trade paperback version of the books? Unfortunately, that isn't an option at the moment - it would require massive re-formatting on my end :(. If you are in the US, you can order the books from my Square Store (they are a little more affordable there, the first four being $15 and the final book priced at $20 because of its size). If you order them from my Square Store, I can also sign and personalize them for you. Anyway, I'm sorry I can't offer them at a lower price!

  55. I LOVED this book! I can not wait to read the next two!
